Thursday, August 19, 2010

Streets that ACTUALLY EXIST! (the proof)

When Cara and I were driving to Wisconsin the other day, we had to take all sorts of funny named streets. Most of them I don't remember percisely, but you know when you kind of remember something but its not the exact phrase so you use something thats really because you'd sound like an idiot without an example of whatever it is you are talking about? Yeah, they resemble something like these in my memory:
  • Waschcahbihola Avenue
  • Rauaschaizo Street
  • Lacheezeahopp Way
"Cara, Wisconsin has the weirdest names for their streets," I stated. I was also the navigator, so I needed some legitimate reason that we kept missing turns once we got off I-94.

So today during my lunch break, which I always use to surf the internet, I googled "weird Wisconsin street names" and found a website with this national list of the most fucked up street names in the United States (and one in the UK!). Thinking that there was no chance they were real, I MapQuested some of them. Here are the screen shots, courtesy of MapQuest and my work computer's mad screen shot skillz.

The intersection of Pleasure Drive and Hooker Avenue in Madison, Wisconsin, where the UW kids go to relieve stress during finals week.

Jackass Hill Road in Littleton, Colorado. Thank you, MapQuest, for censoring it for me. I am very offended by the term Jackass and can't believe someone named a street that in the great state of Colorado! Ughh.

Stoner Avenue in Los Angeles, California. Hey, I think we've all figured out California's a pretty, um, green state anyway.

And the grand finale, the intersection of Cuming and 69th in Omaha, Nebraska. Damn those Nebraskans, they're so horny they can't even keep it off the streets!

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