Remember my Shit to Do list that I was so certain I was going to fail at? Well I successfully completed some things! I got my oil changed which then the dude at Tires Plus informed me that my tires were on the brink of popping (a.k.a. "the tred is beneath state regulations blah blah blah" a.k.a. I won't make it the 930 miles that I must drive next Tuesday through the most boring, foresaken area of the country (Nebraska)) so I had to call Daddy and have him bail me out of being held hostage at Tires Plus in the isolated, underground, windowless chamber where they keep all the people who come in for oil changes but can't pay afterwards because I couldn't afford the $500 to buy new tires on a car that's technically not mine. (<--that's the excuse I used)
And my $23.99 coupon that includes oil & tire rotation didn't include new tires.
I asked.
He said no.
I also managed to pack up most of my stuff. (Woo-hoo!) But I think I may have failed because I went to my buddies house right before and he had recently discovered this stuff called K2 which is basically fake pot that you can buy in most U.S. states legally and it gets you, like, reaaaally stoned but its TOTALLY LEGAL. Even in Minnesota. So by the time I got home I was being a little bit of a retard and found things to do like play with my doggy and rummage the refridgerator instead.
(That reminds me of my favorite joke ever. It goes:
Anti-Pot Propagandist: Marijuana is a gateway drug.
Witty Pothead: To what, my refridgerator?)
Anyway. I basically threw everything I owned into a suitcase and called it packing. I left things like my toothbrush out because I should probably use it sometime in the next few days.
This afternoon I am departing for Berry, Kentucky (spelled wrong in my last post, my bad), a town of 300 people where I will be visiting my great-great aunt on a farm. I also found out she is a Kentucky Colonel, which totally makes me think of THE Colonel of Kentucky Fried Chicken (which I'm hoping to eat lots of this weekend) but apparently its legitimately a big deal if you live in Kentucky to have this honor bestowed upon you. Kind of like being Knighted in England. Only it's Kentucky. Or being dubbed a Pokemon Master.
4 days until I am a mile high and livin' fly. In case you don't remember, I'm really excited to go back to Denver. I've been slightly bitter about being in Minnesota all summer, (although I do like the state, I just don't like living here ~ there's a difference) so this is basically the epitome of my summer.
I don't think I used the word epitome right.
I'm going to google it.
Nope, it means a standard or good example.
Well, I'm currently sitting at my desk at the P.R. firm for the last time, bringing you this blog entry because it will be my last one brought-to-you from work. The next ones will be from my apartment in Denver or from class.
I bet you're excited.
Anyway. I really can't think of anything else to write.
If you've read this far, I love you dearly and want to be your best friend and I'll bring you back some REAL Kentucky fried chicken.
You can hold me to it.
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